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Self-care and mindfulness are becoming more and more important in the midst of Covid’s life.

This Three day Calligratherapy weekend retreat is designed to provide you a nourishing reflection through the practice of yoga, mindful Chinese calligraphy, ink art and I Ching philosophy.

Calligraphy is like yoga on paper. The artful movements of the brush guides your concentration and focus to the present moment to help you reinforce the connection between your mind and body, while lifting your spirits.

Daily schedule (subject to change):

Day 1(16th April): 

Session 1 

10:00-12:00 Introduction to Conscious Chinese Calligraphy and Shui-mo Ink art

12:30-1:30pm Lunch (optional)

Session 2

2:00 pm  – 3:30 pm introduction to I Ching hexagram for decision making

4:00 pm – 5:00pm – yoga

6:00 pm  – 8:00pm – dinner  (optional)

Day 2  (17th April)

Session 3

9:00am -9:45 am Morning Yoga

10:30 am – 12:00 pm – Mindful conscious Chinese Calligraphy

12:30-1:30 pm Lunch (optional)

Session 4 

2:00 pm  – 4:00 pm – ink art outdoor sketching

4:30 pm  – 6:00pm – unlock your imagination with I Ching hexagrams.

6:30-8:30 dinner (optional)

Day 3 (18th April)

Session 5 

9:00am – 9:30am –  Mindfulness

9:30-11: 30 complete your own ink art with calligraphy (Calligraphy-painting)

That sounds terribly narcissistic but it’s true; how can you keep everything else ticking over smoothly and take care of everyone around you if you haven’t taken care of number 1?

Spend a long weekend with us on a journey discovering the meditative & mindful qualities of Yoga, the art of conscious Chinese calligraphy and ancient wisdom of I Ching. 

Cost for all five sessions of Yoga, Chinese Calligraphy and I Ching over three days is 100$ per person.  $30 for each session if book seperately.   Accomodation, food and transport are NOT included.

To register please email

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