Calligratherapy eventGeneral 此心安處是吾鄉: Finding Home in a Distant Land I was recently invited to lead a calligraphy workshop as part of the Sailing Lanterns exhibition…adminJune 17, 2023
Meaning behind 久別重逢: reconnecting (home visit) The phrase "久別重逢" is a Chinese idiom that translates to "reconnect after a long separation."…adminJune 4, 2023
Meaning behind 順勢而為:seize the moment The term "势" is a concept that originated from Sunzi's Art of War, which refers…adminJune 4, 2023
Meaning behind 久別重逢 reconnecting: embracing post-Covid office life As the world recovers from the Covid pandemic, many of us have become accustomed to…adminJune 4, 2023